Fallacy Decoder

Think Critically, Argue Wisely

Formal fallacy list or logical fallacy

Formal Fallacies

Navigate the nuanced landscape of formal fallacies, where impeccable logic meets the subtle art of spotting deductive errors and deceptive reasoning.

list of Informal Fallacies

Informal Fallacies

Explore the realm of informal fallacies to unravel the common yet often overlooked errors in reasoning that shape our everyday arguments and beliefs.

Red Hearing Fallacies

Uncover the deceptive trails of red herring fallacies, where arguments are skillfully diverted to mislead and distract from the original issue at hand.

pathos, ethos, logos

Ethos, Pathos, and Logos

Embark on a journey through the persuasive power of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos, the foundational pillars of rhetoric that harness credibility, emotion, and logic to sway an audience.

Cognitive Bias list

Cognitive Bias

Explore the cognitive bias section to uncover the hidden prejudices and mental shortcuts that shape our perceptions and decisions, often without our conscious awareness.

Argument Structures

Argument Structures

“Research the intricate architecture of Argument Structures, where the building blocks of sound reasoning and persuasive discourse are meticulously laid out and analyzed.”

List of Formal Fallacies

Appeal to probability
Appeal to probability fallacy
Argument from fallacy
fallacy fallacy
Logical Fallacy Fallacy
Base rate fallacy
Conjunction fallacy
Non sequitur fallacy
Masked-man fallacy
Affirming a disjunct
Affirming the consequent
Denying the antecedent
Existential fallacy
Affirmative conclusion from a negative premise (illicit negative)
Fallacy of exclusive premises
Fallacy of four terms (quaternio terminorum)
Illicit major
Illicit minor
Negative conclusion from affirmative premises (illicit affirmative)
Fallacy of the undistributed middle
Modal fallacy
Modal scope fallacy

List of Informal Fallacies

Argument to moderation
Continuum fallacy
Correlative-based fallacies
Suppressed correlative
Definist fallacy
Divine fallacy
Double counting
Ambiguous middle term
Definitional retreat
Motte-and-bailey fallacy
Fallacy of accent
Persuasive definition
whiskey fallacy
Ecological fallacy
Etymological fallacy
Fallacy of composition
Fallacy of division
False attribution
Fallacy of quoting out of context
False authority (single authority)
False dilemma (false dichotomy, fallacy of bifurcation, black-or-white fallacy)
False equivalence
Feedback fallacy
Historian’s fallacy
Historical fallacy
Baconian fallacy
Homunculus fallacy
Inflation of conflict
Incomplete comparison
Intentionality fallacy
Kettle logic
Ludic fallacy
Lump of labour fallacy
McNamara fallacy (quantitative fallacy)
Mind projection fallacy
Moralistic fallacy
Moving the goalposts (raising the bar)
Nirvana fallacy (perfect-solution fallacy)
Package deal
Proof by assertion
Prosecutor’s fallacy
Proving too much
Psychologist’s fallacy
Referential fallacy
Reification (concretism, hypostatization, or the fallacy of misplaced concreteness)
Retrospective determinism
Slippery slope (thin edge of the wedge, camel’s nose)
Special pleading
Begging the question (petitio principii)
Loaded label
Circular reasoning (circulus in demonstrando)
Fallacy of many questions
Faulty generalization
No true Scotsman
Cherry picking
Survivorship bias
False analogy
Hasty generalization
Argument from anecdote
Inductive fallacy
Misleading vividness
Overwhelming exception
Thought-terminating cliché
Cum hoc ergo propter hoc
Post hoc ergo propter hoc
Wrong direction (reverse causation)
Ignoring a common cause
Fallacy of the single cause (causal oversimplification)
Furtive fallacy
Magical thinking –
Regression fallacy
Gambler’s fallacy
Inverse gambler’s fallacy
Garden of forking paths fallacy
Appeal to the stone (argumentum ad lapidem)
Invincible ignorance (argument by pigheadedness)
Argument from ignorance (appeal to ignorance, argumentum ad ignorantiam)
Argument from incredulity (appeal to common sense)
Argument from repetition (argumentum ad nauseam or argumentum ad infinitum)
Argument from silence (argumentum ex silentio)
Ignoratio elenchi

List of Red Hearing Fallacies

Ad hominem
Circumstantial ad hominem
Poisoning the well
Appeal to motive
Tone policing
Traitorous critic fallacy (ergo decedo, ‘Therefore I leave’)
Appeal to authority
Appeal to accomplishment
Courtier’s reply
Appeal to consequences
Appeal to emotion
Appeal to fear
Appeal to flattery
Appeal to pity
Appeal to ridicule
Appeal to spite
Judgmental language
Style over substance
Wishful thinking
Appeal to nature
Appeal to novelty
Appeal to poverty
Appeal to tradition
Appeal to wealth
Argumentum ad baculum
Argumentum ad populum
Association fallacy
Logic chopping fallacy
Ipse dixit (bare assertion fallacy)
Bulverism (psychogenetic fallacy)
Chronological snobbery
Fallacy of relative privation
Genetic fallacy
I’m entitled to my opinion
Moralistic fallacy
Naturalistic fallacy
Is–ought fallacy
Naturalistic fallacy fallacy
Straw man fallacy
Texas sharpshooter fallacy
Tu quoque
Two wrongs make a right
Vacuous truth

List of Cognitive Bias

Bounded rationality Bias
Prospect theory Bias
Mental accounting bias
Adaptive bias
Attribute substitution Bias
Attribution theory Bias
Salience Bias
Naïve realism Bias
Cognitive dissonance
Impression management
Self-perception theory
Information-processing shortcuts
Availability heuristic
Representativeness heuristic
Affect heuristic
The two-factor theory of emotion
The somatic markers hypothesis
Introspection illusion
Misinterpretations or misuse of statistics
Social influence

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